Solar flat plate collector analysis


  • Rajesh Brahmankar M.Tech (Thermal Engineering) B.E.R.I Bhopal (M.P)




Flat Plate Collector (FPC) is widely used for domestic hot-water, space heating/drying and for applications requiring fluid temperature less than 100oC. Three main components associated with FPC namely, absorber plate, top covers and heating pipes. The absorber plate is selective coated to have high absorptivity. It receives heat by solar radiation and by conduction; heat is transferred to the flowing liquid through the heating pipes. The fluid flow through the collector pipes is by natural (thermosyphon effect) or by forced circulation (pump flow). For small water heating systems natural circulation is used for fluid flow. Conventionally, absorbers of all flat plate collectors are straight copper/aluminum sheets however, which limits on the heat collection surface transfer area. Thus, higher heat collection surface area is optimized by changing its geometry with the same space of conventional FPC. The objective of present study is to evaluate the performance of FPC with absorber tubes of different materials such as aluminum and copper without any cover plate and insulation.


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Manufacturing and performance analysis of solar flat plate collector with phase change material ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012


