
  • Dr. Sanchayita Roy M.A. in History, Ph.D (Folklore), Awarded Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship


Women's studies, feminism, gender


Women's studies is an interdisciplinary academic field devoted to topics concerning women, feminism, gender, and politics. It often includes feminist theory, women's history (e.g. a history of women's suffrage) and social history, women's fiction, women's health, feminist psychoanalysis and the feminist and gender studies-influenced practice of most of the humanities and social sciences. Certain issues associated with gender in Eastern Asia and the Pacific Region are more complex and depend on location and context. For example, in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia, a heavy importance of what defines a woman comes from the workforce. In these countries, “gender related challenges tend to be related to economic empowerment, employment, and workplace issues, for example related to informal sector workers, feminization of migration flows, work place conditions, and long term social security.”


"Gender Studies". Whitman College. Retrieved May 1, 2012.

"About - Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality (CSGS)". The University of Chicago. Retrieved May 1, 2012.

Healey, J. F. (2003). "Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class: the Sociology of Group Conflict and Change".

"Department of Gender Studies". Indiana University (IU Bloomington). Retrieved May 1, 2012.

de Beauvoir, S. (1949, 1989). "The Second Sex".

Garrett, S. (1992). "Gender", p. vii.

Salime, Zakia. Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.

Essed, Philomena; Goldberg, David Theo; Kobayashi, Audrey (2009). A Companion to Gender Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-8808-1. Retrieved 7 November 2011.

Butler, J. (1999). "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity", 9.

Anne-Marie Smith, Julia Kristeva: Speaking the Unspeakable (Pluto Press, 1988)

Griselda Pollock, "Inscriptions in the Feminine" and "Introduction" to "The With-In-Visible Screen", in: Inside the Visible edited by Catherine de Zegher. MIT Press, 1996.

Bracha L. Ettinger, "Diotima and the Matrixial Transference: Psychoanalytical Encounter-Event as Pregnancy in Beauty." In: Van der Merwe, Chris N., and Viljoen, Hein, eds. Across the Threshold. NY: Peter Lang, 2007



Karen Horney (1922). "On the Genesis of the Castration Complex in Women" Psychoanalysis and Women. Ed. J.B. Miller. New York: Bruner/Mazel, 1973.

Lacan, J. (1973). Encore. Paris: Seuil, 1975.

Wright, E. (2003). "Lacan and Postfeminism (Postmodern Encounters)"

Kristeva, J. (1982). "Powers of Horror"

Blechner, M. J. (2009) 'Sex Changes: Transformations in Society and Psychoanalysis.' New York and London: Taylor & Francis.

Blechner, M. J. (1995) The shaping of psychoanalytic theory and practice by cultural and personal biases about sexuality. In T. Domenici and R. Lesser, (eds.) 'Disorienting Sexuality.' New York: Routledge, pp. 265–288.

Bracha L. Ettinger, "Matrix and Metramorphosis." In: Differences. Vol. 4, nº 3: 176–208, 1992

Bracha L. Ettinger, The Matrixial Borderspace. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006 (articles from 1994–1999). ISBN 0-8166-3587-0

Bracha L. Ettinger, "Matrixial Trans-subjectivity" in: Problematizing Global Knowledge. Theory, Culture & Society, Volume 23, Numbers 2–3, 2006. ISSN 0263-2764

public lecture at EGS (2012) on YouTube

Blechner, M. J. (1998) Maleness and masculinity. 'Contemporary Psychoanalysis,' 34:597–613.

Herdt, G. (1981) 'Guardians of the Flute.' New York: McGraw-Hill.

Griselda Pollock, Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum: Time, Space and the Archive. Routledge. 2007.

Grosz, E. (1990). "Jacques Lacan: A Feminist Introduction", London: Routledge

Butler, J. (1999). "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity".

Ettinger, B. (Collected Essays from 1994–1999). "The Matrixial Borderspace", University of Minnesota Press, 2006

Gallop, J. (1993). "The Daughter's Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysi", Cornell University Press

Mica Howe & Sarah A. Aguier (eds.). He said, She Says. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2001.

Vanda Zajko & Miriam Leonard (eds.). Laughing with Medusa. Oxford University Press, 2006.

Humm, Maggie, Modernist Women and Visual Cultures. Rutgers University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-8135-3266-3

Nina Cornietz, Dangerous Women, Deadly Words. Stanford University Press, 1999.

Grebowicz, M. (2007). Gender After Lyotard. NY: SUNY Press, 2007.

Zohar, Ayelet (ed.), PostGender. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.

Benhabib, S. (1995). "Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange" and Butler, J. (1995) "Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange".



Reeser,Masculinities in Theory, 2010)


"Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis," American Historical Review 91, No. 5 (December 1986).

Chafetz, Janet Saltzman. Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 1999. Print.

Douglas, Fedwa. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2007. Print.

Liddington, Jill. "HISTORY, FEMINISM AND GENDER STUDIES". University of Leeds Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Working Paper 1 Feminist Scholarship: within/across/between/beyond the disciplines.

Fatemeh Baratian-Ghorghi; Huaguo Zhou (2015). "Investigating Women’s and Men’s Propensity to Use Traffic Information in a Developing Country"





