
  • M.N. Manoharan Dr. B.H. Suresh M.Com. M.Phil. Associate Professor in Commerce BasudevSomani College Kuvempunagar Mysore -570023 M.Com., Ph.D. Professor, DOS in Commerce Manasagangothri, Mysore – 570006


Emotional Intelligence, Managers, Large & Medium, EIS.


The global economy has evolved from the industrial to knowledge and service oriented. The performance of organizations in such a scenario is directly related to its employees' abilities to cooperate, collaborate, negotiate, and team-work. The primary employee skill for the organizations - present and future - is emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is ability to work understand, collaborate and manage people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and technical abilities etc based on natural human behavior of empathy, sensitivity, maturity and leadership, while managing and helping manage stress, anxieties, conflicts and disorders.

The scenario, conditions and the resources differ greatly between a large well-funded firms and smaller organizations. The present study of professional managers from - medium and large sized industries was carried out to discern if the nature of emotional intelligence is firm-size dependent.

We found in the survey of 47 companies - large and medium - that management professionals are evenly dispersed in their emotional intelligence. Interestingly, the advantages of the large firms are largely non-existent. The large companies despite their stable training, HR processes and other resources seem unable to translate these activities into increased managerial emotional intelligence in comparison to their smaller peers.


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