
  • Hedayat Omidvar Member of IGU Gas AdvocacyTask Force (TF2) Head of Communication Affairs with Science & Research Centers, Research & Technology Dept., National Iranian Gas Company


invaluable, established, implementing


Using natural gas as a heating fuel is one of the various uses of this invaluable fuel. The real and major importance of natural gas can be realized regarding the natural gas plentiful added value and its capabilities for being converted into thousands of valuable economic commodities in the oil and petrochemicals industry as the primary material and the energy resource. The growing need for gas to provide energy and fuel, and the foreign currency resulted from sales and export for investment and launching primary industries in the country, reinforced the idea of bundling gas industry related activities. Therefore, in line with this, and based on the legal statute, NIGC as one of the four major subsidiaries of Iran's Oil Ministry was established. The initial capital of the company amounted to $25 million, in 1965.

Since its establishment, NIGC has gradually achieved capabilities and managed to have access to various sources and facilities such as experts and efficient human force equipped with scientific and theoretical vision and knowledge, tools, equipment, machinery and various advanced workshops for implementing its operations proportionate with the economic and social development trend of the country, so that it can independently accomplish all the related tasks complying with the valid international acceptable standards.

 Right now, The NIGC is one of the top ten gas companies in the gas industry in the Middle East, and one of the four major subsidiaries of the Oil Ministry. Having over 50years of experience, it is responsible for providing over 65 percent of the fuel required by the country. The company, in terms of providing gas, does own an important position both inside the country and abroad and proportionate with its needs and expansion of its activities in the country and abroad, it has taken measures to revise its structure. While maintaining and reinforcing its potential in hardware and software terms, the NIGC has recruited experts and trained staff and updated its experienced staff knowledge.

At the present time, the number of the NIGC permanent staff is more than 18000 persons








