Secularization in the church: Challenge to evangelization in contemporary Africa


  • Hosea Kiprono Mitei Lecturer, Scott Christian University – Eldoret Satellite Campus, P.O. Box 3718 – 30 100, Eldoret, KENYA


Secularization, Church, Evangelization and Contemporary Africa


Secularization and its influence on the life of the church has been a matter of much discussion in the recent years. The question often asked is how it influences the church. This article attempts to highlight the challenge of secularization on the evangelistic mandate of the church pointing out its dangers and proposing ways in which the church can adopt in its fight against secularization. The study further observes that secularization poses a great danger to the church’s evangelization mandate as it adulterates her spirit thus making her weak and unable to carry out its rightful role in the society. The author opines that the church should seriously involve itself in this discussion thereby forearming its members against this strong social movement that may in the near future take the church by her throat.


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