
  • Vijay Sharma,, Md. Afzal Khan Dr. R.K. Shukla 1Head of Department (QC and R&D), 2 Assistant Manager(QC and R&D), 3 Head of Department (Production)


Wheat, CRD, Organic manure, Biofertilizer, Biopromoter, Growth, Yield


A field experiment was conducted to study the “Efficiency of Organic Manure, Biofertilizer and Biopromoter on growth &yield of Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.)during Rabi season 2014-15 at experimental field of Patanjali Bio Research Institute(PBRI),Uttarakhand, India. The field experiment was laid out in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and fivereplications.The treatment T1 received organic manure; Treatment T2 received organic manure in combination with biofertilizer whereas treatment T3 received organic manure in combination with biofertilizer and biopromoter. Different morphological parameters like plant height, tiller number, total grain yield, seed index were observed and compared with control during the experiment. All traits were found best for treatments and the difference was significant relative to the control group. The best germination (91.9%) was found for T1 and the minimum seed germination (80.5%) was for To (control). The maximum number of tiller 7 was observed for treatment T2,tallest plantof 24.2 inches for T3, longest spike 5.0 inches for T2, Maximum grain weight 1966 Kg/Acand best seed index 4.546 gm recorded for T3.


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