Teacher Eligibility Test and Teachers’ Quality


  • Neelam Dalal Paper discusses about the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in general and its introduction in India particular. With the passing of Right to Education Act, 2009 (RTE, 2009)TET has been introduced arguing that this qualifying test can help in improving the quality of teachers’ right from the recruitment stage for elementary school level. The paper argues that as RTE, 2009 is defined as a fundamental right, thus various sections of it (and their interpretation) puts a significant and important responsibility on State vis-à-vis quality of teacher education. Paper debates that state seems to be fulfilling a little part of its responsibility by merely focusing on TET and leaving the major and fundamentally significant portion which deals with the teacher education programmes and institutions. Paper tries to locate and establish the distinction between measuring and developing/enhancing the teacher quality. It further argues that TET can be one of the tools to measure the quality of aspirants; it will not help in building those skills which indicate ‘quality of a teacher’. Further the paper strongly argues that day –today engagement in the field (during teacher education programmes) prepares a teacher, it refines her skills and quality, hence improvement in teacher education programmes and institutions is the need of the hour. Paper ends with discussing broader patterns of CTET in India and implications of the same.


Teacher Eligibility Tests, Teachers’ Quality, Quality Measurement, Quality Enhancement, Teacher Education


Paper discusses about the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in general and its introduction in India particular. With the passing of Right to Education Act, 2009 (RTE, 2009)TET has been introduced arguing that this qualifying test can help in  improving the quality of teachers’ right from the recruitment stage for elementary school level. The paper argues that as RTE, 2009 is defined as a fundamental right, thus various sections of it (and their interpretation) puts a significant and important responsibility on State vis-à-vis quality of teacher education. Paper debates that state seems to be fulfilling a little part of its responsibility by merely focusing on TET and leaving the major and fundamentally significant portion which deals with the teacher education programmes and institutions. Paper tries to locate and establish the distinction between measuring and developing/enhancing the teacher quality. It further argues that TET can be one of the tools to measure the quality of aspirants; it will not help in building those skills which indicate ‘quality of a teacher’. Further the paper strongly argues that day –today engagement in the field (during teacher education programmes) prepares a teacher, it refines her skills and quality, hence improvement in teacher education programmes and institutions is the need of the hour. Paper ends with discussing broader patterns of CTET in India and implications of the same.


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