
  • Dr. Laltanpuii Ralte Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration Mizoram University


children, education, length of marriage, marital instability, women


The study illustrates the broad pattern and determinants of marital instability. Mizoram has the highest number of divorced or separated women in India, according to the census data of 2011. However, no study has been conducted on this aspect. The present study is based on primary data of 330 ever married women were interviewed. The main objective is paper is to assess the effect of socio-economic characteristics on marital instability among women who have experienced marital disruption and those who are in marital union. The multivariate regression analysis was performed using logistic model, where marital dissolution is considered as the dependent variable. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that 7 out of 23 variables under study has a significant impact on the marital instability. From amongst the factors taken into consideration in this study it was found that premarital sex has the greatest impact on the stability or instability of marriage. Length of marriage is found to have a profound impact on the length of marriage. Children are another important factor in holding a marriage together. The chances of a marriage working out depends on a number of factors, which when combined together may lead to instability and divorce in a marriage.


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Divorce Rate in India. Available in: Retrieved 19th July, 2014.

Mizo-Marriage and Family available in: Family.html. Retrieved 19-07-2014, 2014





