
  • Leena .. M.Phil. Scholar NUEPA New Delhi, India


corporal punishment, Neglect, Physical Abuse, Policies, Sexual Abuse,


Corporal punishment is a violation of the basic human rights of a child. It can be virtually visualized in educational institutions globally either in the form of corporal punishments or physical abuse and  as an emotional abuse as well as neglect and also in the  different forms of mild or severe sexual abuses. Hosting the world’s second-largest education system, and by being the second  most populous nation in the world, the problem of corporal punishments cannot be isolated from the country. In educational institutions it exists as an inalienable part of the system. The government has taken initiatives to control it, check it and eradicate it. Various legislations and acts support the mission of the government. However at the level of implementation, it is not much successful in the country. There is not a single law aimed at safeguarding children and protecting them against various forms of corporal punishments, which is a serious lacuna against this background and is needed urgently. This paper will focus on corporal punishments in educational institutions, the laws, legal loopholes, and The Protection of Children against the corporal punishments.


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International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (2006): World Perspectives on ChildAbuse,Sixth Edition,http://www.ispcan.org

Pinheiro, P. S. (2006): World Report on Violence against Children; United Nations Secretary-General'sStudy on Violence against Children; United Nations, New York http://www.violencestudy.org/r25

"Study on Child Abuse: India 2007" (PDF). Published by the Government of India, (Ministry of Women and Child Development). "Child Sexual Abuse.” Medline Plus; U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2008.04.02.

Save the Children and Tulir (2006): Abuse among Child Domestic Workers- A Research Study in West Bengal, and Save the Children (2005): Child Domestic Work: A Violation of Human Rights Assessment of Situation in Delhi City Tang, C. S. K. (2006), “Corporal punishment and physical maltreatment against children: A community study on Chinese parents in Hong Kong”, Child Abuse & Neglect, 30, 893-907, cited in UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (2012)

World Health Organization (1999): Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention; Geneva,http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/neglect/en





