
  • Junaid Sikander1 Javed Ashraf Research Scholar1, Associate Professor2 Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Al- Falah School Of Engineering & Technology, Faridabad, India


OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), MIMO-OFDM, PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio), CCDF (Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function), SLM (Selected Mapping Technique).


With the development of the wireless
system the need for high speed data services have
been increasing day by day, which is impractical to
be achieve by the conventional serial data
transmission system without trade-off between high
speed data services and QoS without increasing the
band width of the system. So both the options are not
convenient, as one never demands the degradation of
the service quality and secondly the need for extra
spectrum in a limited spectrum scenario. In order to
conquer this problem new parallel data transmission
system was projected, which is known as OFDM
system. The performance of OFDM system can
further be enhanced by using multiple antennas at
transmitting and receiving side to provide spatial
diversity. Multiple antennas can be used at the
transmitter and receiver, an arrangement called a
MIMO system. A MIMO system takes advantage of
the spatial diversity that is obtained by spatially
separated antennas in a dense multipath scattering
environment. Recently, there have been a lot of
interests in combining the OFDM systems with the
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique.
These systems are known as MIMO-OFDM systems.
MIMO-OFDM system has been currently
acknowledged as one of the most competitive
technology for 4G mobile wireless systems. The
combination of OFDM and MIMO seems to be very
promising when aiming at the design of very highrate
wireless mobile systems. While multiple
antennas at the transmitter and receiver promote
channel capacity, i.e. the achievable transmission
rate, OFDM converts the wideband frequency
selective radio channel into a set of parallel flatfading
channels, thus simplifying signal processing
required at the receiver. The main drawback of
MIMO-OFDM system is high peak-to-average power
ratio (PAPR) for large number of sub-carriers, which
result in many precincts for practical applications.
Coding, phase rotation and clipping are among many
PAPR reduction schemes that have been anticipated
to overcome this problem. In this paper the PAPR of
8x8 MIMO OFDM and BER v/s SN ratio is
stimulated in Matlab. It is shown that the PAPR of
simple OFDM system is better. PAPR of 8x8 MIMO
OFDM system is reduced using SLM (Selected
Mapping) Technique.


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Junaid Sikander was born in

Kashmir on December 31st 1990. He received B.Tech

(2013) in Electronics and Communication from

Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (M.D.U). He

is currently final year student of M.Tech in

Electronics and Communication from Al

two rk Comput ing ,


Annua lWi r e l e s s

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t ems

-4, 2010.

nd Al-Falah





