Vedanta Philosophy in Indian Education


  • Rajendra Dutta UGC-NET, SET (PHILOSOPHY), M.A.(PHILOSOPHY), B.ED. Assistant teacher, Kurunnahar high school, Birbhum


Para-vidya, neo-vedantists, Ramanuja, Advaita Vedanta.


Limiting education only to paravidya is considered empty, and restricting education only to the scriptures and the vedas or Upanishads is measured sheer wastage, and in the target of human resource development, personal enrichment, vocational competence an enhancement of society the neo-vedantists have included naturalistic, pragmatic & realistic attitude and added science subjects and such other subject which will help to fulfill the above objects. This really is the way of culture and society  here nothing is permanent, yet we can see that the belief in one last reality is still there in Indian panorama and in all the reports of the education commissions there is, as aims of education, character education spiritual training, moral education, and value education. In the modern world of chaos, greed and war there is immobile the need of changing human nature by spiritual and value education. Education is a social procedure and has its origin in philosophy, the altering scenario of the socio-economic condition of the world has changed and modified the implications of the Advaita Vedanta of Sainkara and visistadvaita Vedanta of Ramanuja and in the hands of the later vedantists the scheme of education has been changed.


Chaube and Chaube (2001): Foundations of Education, Vikash Publishing House, New Delhi.

Dewey John (1961): Philosophy of Education, New Jersy, Little Field Adams & Co.

Hiryanna, M. 1970: Outlines of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London.

Mukhopadhyay, M (1999) Learning: The Treasure within, Implications for Asia. NIEPA, New Delhi.

Sinha Jadunath, 1999: Outlines of Indian Philosophy, Pilgrims Book Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Radhakrishnan, S. 1929, Indian Philosophy, Vol-1 (2nd Ed.) Allen and Unwin, London.





