
  • Jeenu K M Sreejamol M G Post Graduate Student, Amirta College of Nursing , Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Health Science Campus, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences AIMS, Kochi-41, India. *Corresponding author. Assisstant Professor , Amirta College of , Nursing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Health Science Campus, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences AIMS, Kochi-41, India.


Mothers, Behavioral Problems, Knowledge


Mothers have a vital role in moulding the behavior of the children. Homes are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shaped. A mother can imply positive attitude to the children by identifying negativism and behavioral problems. A Study to assess the knowledge and of mothers regarding behavioral problems of children in a selected community, Ernakulam. Objectives of the study were to; assess the knowledge of mothers regarding behavioral problems and to find the association between knowledge scores of mothers of children with their selected demographic variables. Quantitative research approach and non experimental descriptive design was used for the study. A self developed structured questionnaire was the research tool. The data analysis was done by using relevant descriptive statistics in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Majority of the participants had average level of knowledge 81.7%, poor level of knowledge 16.7% and 1.7% had good level of knowledge regarding behavioral problems. Now a days in many communities the parents are more anxious towards their children behavioral problems due to less attention or negligence or ignorance. So the researcher felt that to study the knowledge on behavioral problems of children’s among mothers in selected community. The investigator has also experience in interacting with the mothers of children during her pediatric community postings and the significance of the problem was understood


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