
  • A. K. Dhanagare Dr. D. N. Vyas Department of Commerce, G.S. Science Arts and Commerce College, Khamgaon ,Department of Commerce, G.S. Science Arts and Commerce College, Khamgaon


HRD, Impact Assessment, Organisational Performance, MIDC


This research work is to conduct a study on Human resource development practices prevailing in the Buldana region of MIDC area and its effect on the organizational performance. Previous works of different scholars working in field of human resource development have indicated that there are evidences that there exist a relationship between organizational performance and HRD practices adopted in the institution, but none focused on the conducting the study in regions who lack behind in industrial development despite huge potential. The research work with this aim focused on Buldana region, as this area is a manufacturing hub but is unable to effectively utilize all the resources present in the region and hence there is a still vivid scope of development. The work focused on how HRD practices affect the organizational performance of the organization and specifically what factors are affecting the organizational performance to what extent. A study of this will reveal the specific nature of relationship and degree to which HRD practices affect the organizational performance to give an insight on how organizational performance can be increased and with that other under achieving organization utilize this best practice to achieve desired result and get back on tracks of progress . The study revealed that HRD practices like training facilities, quality of work and fair performance appraisal practices improves level of organization performance while those HRD practices which are not been adopted such as increased level of participative management are hampering the organization performance.


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