
  • Dr. Rajesh Baghel Educationalist M.Com.,M.Ed.,Ph.D. Smt. Vandana Sharma Assts. Professor S.D.S. College Gwalior


Quality of education, job satisfaction


A country is known by its citizens and development of a nation depends upon the quality of education. Teacher is the most important factor in the contribulion of the national development, he is the central point around all the activities related to educational progamme. Today the information technology is at its best but to use their devices one should have peace in mind. Due to the complicated environment and hard working conditions it is not possible to have a sound mind and it caused “Stress”. stress has both +tive& - tive ends stress motivates to work hard but if it increased beyond a certain point it hampers in the functioning of the individuals. VowerZio Dong (1997) studied occupational stress and work stress of teachers and found that for job satisfaction age is no bar. Borg Mark G: Falzon, Joseph M (1989) studied stress and job satisfaction among primary shool teachers in Malta” and found that there is relationship between teaching experience, job satisfaction and occupational stress. A positive relationship was found between occupational stress and job satisfaction. Hui-Eadaoin : K.P. Chan David (1996) studied teachersstress and guidance work in Hongkong secondary school teachers. The main objective was to find relationship between stress and time management and another’s aim was to see gender as a significant factor in determining stress and job satisfaction they found that Gender difference played a major role in having occupational stress.

Work place stress is harmful and emotional response that occurs when there is a poor match between job demands and the capabilities, resources or needs of workers. The result of the present study will go a long way in guidance and consulting of male and female teachers to maintain equilibrium not only in there working situation and work environment, but also in their home life and home environment.


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