
  • T.V.Meenambigai, R.Anupriya, G.Ravikumar P.I.Ganesan


Autumnalis, Loa 22, LFA, pRSETB,


Loa 22 is the only gene of virulence that abides the molecular koch’s postulates as a diagnostic marker. Loa 22 is the putative determinant of pathogenic Leptospira, which plays a major role in virulence and hence is upregulated during host infection. It is the first genetically defined virulence factor in Leptospira species. In this study, the full length DNA of Loa 22 protein from serogroup Autumnalis Rachmati strain was amplified, cloned and expressed in pRSET B vector. Recombinant protein for virulence gene loa22 was developed, purified and characterized. Lateral flow assay was developed for the serodiagnosis of canine Leptospirosis. Lateral flow test gave high accuracy in comparison to gold standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT) with a sensitivity and specificity of 86.6% and 90% .These findings indicate that recombinant Loa 22 can be used as a molecular marker  for serodiagnosis of canine Leptospirosis .In future it may serve as a novel and prospective vaccine candidate


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