
  • Awanish Kumar1 L. K. Srivastava2, V. N. 1Research Scholar, 2&4 Senior Scientist, 3 Professor Deptt. of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry 4SG College of Agriculture & Research Station, Jagadalpur Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur-(C.G.) 492012


Chhattisgarh state has been divided into three Agro-climatic zones viz. Chhattisgarh plains, Bastar Plateau, and Northern Hills zone covering 51, 28 and 21 % of the geographical area, respectively. The location of the state is such that it is close to the Bay of Bengal, which is instrumental in bringing monsoon in the Northern part of the country. The state is comprised of 27 districts, bordered by Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh in the north, Andhra Pradesh in the south, Orissa in the east and Madhya Pradesh in the west. The state lies at 17°46' N to 24°5'N latitude and 80°15' E to 84°20' E longitude.


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Sehgal, J. (1996) Pedology concept and application, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.

Sehgal, J. Hall, C.F. and Bhargawa, G.P. (1975) An appraisal of problems in classifying saline sodic soils of the Indo-Gangetic plain in N-W India. Geoderma 14, 75- 91

Soil Survey Staff (1960) Soil Classification. A Comprehensive System – 7th Approximation. Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Washington, DC, USA.

Soil Survey Staff (1975) Soil Texonomy: A basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. USDA – Soil conservation Service, Agriculture Handbook, 436, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA.

Soil Survey Staff (1975) Soil Texonomy: A basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys, Second Edition. USDA- National Resources Conservation Services, Agriculture Handbook, 436, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA.


