
  • Dr. Tapesh Chandra Gupta Yogita Hooda (Professor), Department of commerce Govt. J.Y. P.G. College, Raipur- 492001 INDIA Research Scholar, (Co-Director) Govt. J.Y. P.G. College, Raipur- 492001 INDIA


Personality, WPS, Motivation, Adaptability, Relevance, Training.


The study is conducted in industrial Area of Raipur. From one of the industries survey has been conducted to identify the relationship between workers personality and their efficiency to identify the requirements of training for the benefit of the organisation as well as development of human resources in the organisation. Workerspersonality Scale with ten variables is used to establish the relationship and found out that regular training is required for the adaptation of the workers with the changing demands. Also training will not only help in coping up with the environment but also increase their efficiency as well as boost the motivation resulting in reduction of turnover rate of the employees.



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