
  • Omprkash Parmar Bhapal




The role played by Commercial Banks, State Financial Corporations and other Financial Institutions in extending assistance to the units in the sector has been noteworthy. So the creation of a specialised bank to cater to the needs of small enterprises exclusively been demanded by SSI Associations for long. SIDBI was set up under an Act of parliament as the all-India principal financial institution. The bank commenced its operation from 1990. Apart from extending financial assistance to the sector, SIDBI coordinates the functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. As an apex institution for the banks lending operations are supplemented with promotional and developmental activities.


„Rural small scale Industry in the peoples‟Republic of China. 1967,Berkeley: University of California press.

Mitsuru Yamazaki. 1968,Japan‟s community based industries: A case study of small industry.Jokyo: Asian productivity organization.

Grabam Bannock.1969, TheEconomics of small firms: Return form the wilderness. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Ashokkumar singh.1970, “Problems and prospects of small scale industries in Bibar: A critical study"PhD, Theis, Bibar University.

NisaeAhmad.1970,"Problems and management of small scale and cottage Industries"New Delhi. Deep and Deep ublication.

Interim report of the study group on Development of small Enterprises small industries Development organization, New Delhi.

Annual Report(2000 –01) Ministry of small scale Industries and Agro & Rural Industries, Government of India, New Delhi.


