
  • Dr. Archna Pancholi Sadhana Sewak


Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Engineering sciences, Microbiology, Rural Biotechnology


The term Biotechnology was coined in 1919 by Karl Ereky, a Hungarian engineer. He envisioned a biochemical age similar to the stone and iron age. Breaking the word biotechnology into root words we have: “Bio” the use of biological processes and “Technology” to solve problems or make useful products. A more appropriate definition of biotechnology, in the new sense of the word is: “New” Biotechnology – the use of cellular and molecular processes to solve problems or make products. Thus, Biotechnology is broadly defined to include any technique that use living organisms or parts of organisms to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop micro-organisms for specific use. Rural Biotechnology is the integrated use of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Engineering sciences to achieve technological application of the capabilities of micro-organisms and cultures tissues/cells for rural development. An integrated knowledge of this field is afoot to bring a potential development in the rural population in which an inter relationship is needed as an essential support between rural people and biotechnologists/industrialists/extension agencies. How different biotechnological advancements are necessary for model development of the rural economy, rural health and rural society? Also describe a specific role for biotechnological processes and products and their wide utilization in Indian villages.


•Agarwal, S. K. 1998. Environmental Biotechnology, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

•Banerjee, R, Mukerjee, G, Pandey, A and Sabu, A. 2001. Developments biotechnology: An overview. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 1:9-16.

•G.J. Persley and M.M. Lantin (Eds.) 2000. Agricultural Biotechnology and the Poor. Proceedings of an international Conference. Washington, D.C., 21-22 October 1999. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, Washington, D.C.

•Gowri Srivastava. 2003. Woman studies in India. University News, 41(30):4-11.

•Man Mohan Singh. 2003. Education for empowerment. University News, 41(30):12-14.

•P.K.Goel (Ed.). Biotechnology for Environmental Management. ABD Publishers, Jaipur, pp 39-74.

•Pradeep Chaturvedi. 1995. Bio-energy Resources Planning, Production and Utilization. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

•Purohit, S.S. 1999. Agricultural biotechnology, AgroBotanica, New Delhi.

•Rajak, R.C. 2000. Microbial biotechnology for sustainable development and productivity. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.

•Rajini Gupta and Mukerjee, K.G. 2001. Microbial technology. APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

•Research Profile of Biotechnology Activities in India-A Directory. 1993. Publication and Information Directorate, New Delhi.


