
  • Jaspal Singh Bagga Reseach Scholar RDVV


Rural credit, priority and non-priority sectors, loans and advances, Reserve Bank of India.


:- The importance of the rural banking in the economicdevelopment of a country cannot be overlooked. As Gandhiji said “real India lies in villages,” and village economy is the backbone of Indian economy. Without the development of the rural economy, the objective

s of economic planning cannot be achieved. Hence, banks and other financial institutions are considered to be a vital role for the development of the rural economy in India. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were established in October 2, 1975 and are playing a pivotal role in the economic development of the rural India. The main goal of establishing Regional Rural Banks in India is to provide credit to the rural people who are not economically strong enough, especially the small and marginal farmers, artisans, agricultural laborers and even small entrepreneurs. The present study is a modest attempt to make an appraisal of the rural credit structure and the role played by RRBs in the development of rural economy. The objective of thispaper is to analyze the rural credit and the role played by the RRBs in the priority and non-priority sector landings. The study is diagnostic and exploratory in nature and makes use of secondary data. The study finds and concludes that RRBs in India has significantly improved rural economy. 


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