
  • Dr. Kuldeep Nara Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Physical Education, A.I.Jat H.M. College, Rohtak


Yoga, Proper Breathing, Relaxation and meditation


This paper is aimed to study the importance and benefits of yoga. Yoga is a psycho-somatic-spiritual discipline for achieving union & harmony between our mind, body and soul and the ultimate union of our individual consciousness with the Universal consciousness. The health of the human being is influenced by various factors. Yoga is one of the systems that include all these factors. These factors are regular exercise in the form of physical postures, proper breathing, sufficient rest and relaxation, meditation, positive thinking and balanced diet. Thus Yoga is an important, natural, preventive measure to ensure good health.  Hence, it can be said that Yoga is a way of life, a conscious act, not a set or series of learning principles. The dexterity, grace, and poise you cultivate, as a matter of course, is the natural outcome of regular practice. You require no major effort. In fact trying hard will turn your practices into a humdrum, painful, even injurious routine and will eventually slow down your progress. Subsequently, and interestingly, the therapeutic effect of Yoga is the direct result of involving the mind totally in inspiring (breathing) the body to awaken.


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