
  • Dr. Amrita Khatri Professor in zoology, MJB Govt. P.G. College, Moti Tabela, Indore


Fresh water, salinity, Forward osmosis, Reverse osmosis


:- Our life depends on availability of fresh water. Although water is present in large amount on earth, but 97% of the water is salted, with 35% average salinity which is much high for drinking, industry or agriculture. The fresh water distribution is also not proper on this planet, as most of it being in the form of ice, snow, and groundwater and soil moisture. Only 0.3% is in liquid form on the surface. Of the liquid surface fresh water, 87% is present in lakes, 11% in swamps, and only 2% in rivers. Approximately 80% of people around the world live within 60 miles of a coast, so using seawater is only understandable solution to the lack of fresh water. So getting fresh water to the right place and in the right quantities is critical for life on earth. . Providing clean and affordable water to meet human needs is a grand challenge of 21st century. Seawater desalination is one way to deal with this need. Osmosis may be used directly to achieve separation of potable water from sea water containing unwanted solutes

This study aims to provide a review on some aspects of Forward Osmosis coupled with Reverse Osmosis of water desalination . 


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