
  • Mangesh M. Bhosale, H. K. Vardia Honnananda, B. R., R. R. Mugale S. R. Surnar College of Fisheries, Kawardha (Chattisgarh Kamdhenu University, Durg) College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri (Dr B S KonkanKrishiVidyapeeth, Maharashtra) College of Fisheries, Udaipur (MPUAT, Udaipur)


Androgenesis, Gynogenesis and Monosex.


Androgenesis and gynogenesis are very effective tools for chromosomal sets manipulation in fisheries. It has an extreme importance in generating inbred strains of commercially important aquaculture fish species. Additionally, Androgenesis could also be used for recovery of genotypes from cryopreserved sperms which is highly successful in fisheries. Induced polyploidy is also getting demand and could be exploited in aquaculture for higher growth rate and production of sterile animals to maintain the biodiversity normal.


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