
  • Meena Khare M.J.B.G.G.P.G. College Moti Tabela Indore




Ayurveda  is the science of life and originated in india. The word Ayurveda is the combination of two words Ayu (life) and Veda Knowledge Ayurveda .It is one of the most ancient medical sciences of the world . Its roots are in atharaveda .

          The objects of Ayurveda is to preserve and promote the health of a healthy person as well as cure the diseases. Good health is the fundamental prerequisite to aquire materialistic social and spiritual upliftment of human being. Therefore one Should Follow The Rules of good health as describe in Ayurvadic .

          In view if increased incidence of refractory diseases attributable to change in life  style and environmental condition . It is imperative to adopt safe and effective Regimen that could effectively manage such condition panch karma is speciality of Ayurveda having diversified preventive, curative and promotive action indicated in wide range of diseases health problem. Panch karma procedures purify various system of human body and expel out cumulated toxic metabolities from the body, maintain normal functioning of issue , digestion, metabolism, mental function etc.ic .

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