
  • Amita R. Jain, R. R. Mugale, A.S. Desai S.T. Sharangdhar A.R. Akhade College of Fisheries (Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth), Ratnagiri – 415629.Maharashtra.


Curry Puff, Rolls, Samosa & Ready to bake, RTB, Appetizers.


An attempt has been made in present study to prepare Curry puff, Rolls and Samosa by using croaker meat, standardization of recipe and assess its shelf life at 0 - 2°C (Chilled Storage).Among the different recipes for preparation of stuffing material, the R3 was recipe found to be best according to the Organoleptic scores and panelists opinion. The baking temperature of 200°C for curry puff and samosa and that is 180 °C for rolls was found to be superior to the different ranges of baking temperature were tried. The different ratios of fish meat to curry for the stuffing material were tried; a 100:100 ratio was found to be excellent with proper fishy flavor The levels of different ingredients viz. Salt 5 g, Spice mixture1.5 g, mango powder (Amchur) 1g, red chilly powder 1.0 g, garlic paste 0.5 g, Green chilly paste 3.0g was found to be best. The appetizers were prepared with standardized recipe and method was subjected for chilled storage (0-2°C). During storage the pH of covering sheets increased while that of the stuffing material was decreased, the peroxide value of covering sheets as well as stuffing material of all three products was increased, TMA and TVB-N of stuffing material increased, total plate count (TPC) increased. E.coli, Staphylococcous aureus and salmonella sp. were not detected. The quality characters decreased and the decrease in score of organoleptic evaluation was observed. Based on the biochemical, microbiological, Organoleptic and physical tests it can be concluded that prepared Appetizers viz Curry puff Rolls and Samosa, by standardized method and recipe can be stored for 3,4 and 6  days respectively  in chilled storage in the view of its overall acceptability.


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