
  • Barun Kumar JHA


Performance Appraisal, 360 degree system, Implementation


Performance appraisal has come to occupy a pivotal place in human resource functions. The traditional tops down supervisor-only evaluation systems are no longer practical. This has been replaced by performance appraisal which has a wider perspective. 360-degree feedback system is a new concept in this regard which was first introduced in USA. The purpose of this research study was to gather information that would assist in analysing that how far 360 degree feedback system has been implemented in our educational institutes. It further tries to explore the implementability of the system and the repercussions thereof. Structured questionnaire is used to collect responses from various educational institutes in East Delhi. The methodology of the chi-square test of independence between two qualitative statistic figure values is also detailed in the paper. It has been concluded that 360-degree feedback is powerful and has been implemented to a great extent because it makes it easy to gather and report credible feedback about important issues that are otherwise hard to quantify specially in terms of academics.it also highlights the relationship between workexperience of employees and their willingness to undergo training. This develops a scope for future research investigating into the metanalysis of the components of feedback system.


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