
  • Arpit Khare M.Tech. (Structural Engineering), Svnu, Sagar (MP)


High speed, driving behavior and crash risk.


Social and environmental changes have increased focus on conservation of natural resources and sustainable living. Recent economic changes have also caused consumers to revaluate how they use energy, with new attention being given to maximizing efficiency. Employing more efficient building methods in new construction and in renovation could reduce the amount of energy consumed, thereby saving money and reducing electric load growth and air emissions resulting from electric generation. There have been many developments in the promotion of energy efficiency in the construction sector, much of which is organized around the guidelines of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System. High-speed, alcohol consumption, lower incidence of seat belt wearing contributes significantly to this crash concern. Long, monotonous routes with little traffic and little stimuli further exacerbate the situation create ready conditions for fatigue, drowsiness and driver error. Driving behaviour and crash risk, including inadvertent error and deliberate unsafe behaviour compound this issue. The research work is to assess the possible relationships between the road design, driving behavior and crash risk for road safety. 


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• Amundsen, F H and P Christensen (1986) "Relationship between geometric design and driving speed in residential areas". Oslo: Transportökonomisk Institutt, Norway.

• Allsop, R.E., Brown, I.D., Groeger, J.A., Robertson, S.A., 1991. Approaches to modelling driver behaviour at actual and simulated traffic signals. Transport and Road Research Laboratory Contractor Report 264, Crowthorne, U.K., 77.


