
  • Acharya KV Naik SD Research Scholar, Fisheries Resource Management (Dept. of Fisheries Biology), College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India. Head, Department of Fisheries Biology, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri.


Leiognathus splendens, Reproductive biology of pony fish, Maharashtra, India.


 In the present study, reproductive biology of Pony fish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier,1829)  from  Ratnagiri  coast were  done.  The   fishes   studied ranged   between  6.1   to   12.5   cm.  in   Total   length   (TL.) during  the  period  February  2012  to January 2013. The studies on reproductive  biology  indicated  that the  Pony fish,  L. splendens  spawns  more  than  one  time  in  a season.  First which is  peak spawning season appears from October to December and the second spawning season  during February to April. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of  L. splendens  more prominently in females than males. The average highest  GSI  value  is  7.695  for  females  and  1.922  for  males.  The  higher values  in  females  during  month  of  October,  November  and  December.  The  size  of first maturity was observed  at 10.5 cm.  The fish attain  6.4 cm in 1st year,  10.2 cm in 2 nd year, and 12.3 cm in 3 rd years, respectively. The males to female ratio was found  in ratio of  1:1.33  during the  entire  period  of  study.  In  the month  of  April,  sex  ratio  was 1:1.5  &  in  the month of  December  was  1:2.6. It means  that  during  spawning  period females were dominant. The fecundity of fish ranged from 7,704 to 31,720 with an average of 22092.83 eggs, and Ova diameter was in the ranges from 0.9 mm to 0.69 mm.  


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