
  • Chandan Bharti Mishra Research Scholar, Department of Botany University of Delhi




The monoecious, animal-pollinated shrub Brongniartia vazquezii is an endemic and endangered species of the tropical dry forests of Central Mexico. Deforestation of the steamy dry forest has fragmented the habitat and resulted in the isolation of the only four extant populations of B. vazquezii. In this study, we assessed the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation by comparing the genetic variability (allelic richness and expected mean heterozygosity, He), gene flow and population differentiation in both adult (before fragmentation) and seedling (after fragmentation) populations.  as a study species we display that the genetic diversity (number of alleles per locus, expected heterozygosis) of populations living within floodplain water bodies is not severely impoverished compared to the genetic diversity within the main river channel. Central European salt habitats are mainly restricted to the maritime coast but scattered occurrences can also be found inland. In inland habitats, human activities have caused losses and reductions in the size of natural salt sites but have also created new anthropogenic habitats around potash mining dumps colonized by halophytic species in the last 30 yr. We aimed to investigate the effects of bottlenecks, isolation, and current habitat fragmentation on the genetic variation of a species commonly growing in these special habitats.



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