
  • Ranu Chaturvedi R Tiwari k k mishra Department of P.G. Studies & Research in Chemistry & Pharmacy, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur 482001, M.P. (India).


Kinetics, 2-Mercaptobenzoxazole, 2, 6 –dichlorophenolindophenol, solvent effect


In the cellular systems, the oxidation of thiols, lipids and DNA by oxidants like peroxonitrite ion is reported to be leading to pathological disorders producing atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases. In substrates such as 2-Mercaptobenzoxazole, the reactivity of sulphur centre depends on the environment specifically solvent, its oxidation state, and the presence of specific metal ion and the oxidation of sulphur (in oxidation state -2) is highly complex. Substrate, 2-mercaptobenzoxazole (MBO) and oxidant, 2,6 –dichlorophenolindophenol (In) interact in a mole ratio of 1:1 in aqueous ethanol medium forming the corresponding disulphide and the leuco base.This paper highlights the metal-substrate interactions in some cases are time dependent and secondly, the effect of dissolved oxygen appreciably depends on the metal ion and on the nature of the substrate and the solvent. 


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