
  • Nitish Nayyar Assistant Professor Deptt.of Commerce G.G.D.S.D.College Hariana-144208 Hoshiarpur (Punjab)


Job Satisfaction, Higher Education institutes, Job Satisfaction Factors, Public Universities, Private Universities, Faculty Members.


The aim of this article is to review the research already carried out by various researchers on the broad area of Job Satisfaction of the teachers of higher education institutes. The author has reviewed books, research journals, organizational reports, theses, and literature available on internet for this purpose. This article includes discussions on different perspectives regarding job satisfaction of teachers of higher education institutes. From the literature review it has been found that job satisfaction of faculty members is very critical aspect for all the higher educational institutes and it affects performance of employees and quality of education in all the higher education institutes. 


I. Andre Bishay (1996), “Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Study Employing the Experience Sampling Method”, J. Undergrad. Sci. 3: 147-154

II. Deshwal, P. (2011). Job Satisfaction: A Study of those who mould the future of India. In Global Conference on Innovations in Management London, UK.

III. Enders, J. (1997). The Academic Profession in Europe: A view from the status Perspective.

IV. Foor, R. M., & Cano, J. (2011). Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Selected Agriculture Faculty.Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(1).

V. García-Bernal, J., Gargallo-Castel, A., Marzo-Navarro, M., & Rivera-Torres, P. (2005). Job satisfaction: empirical evidence of gender differences. Women in Management Review, 20(4), 279-288.

VI. Gautam, M., Mandal, K., &Dalal, R. S. (2006). Job satisfaction of faculty members of veterinary sciences: an analysis. Age, 36(5.91), 0-92

VII. Hillmer, S., Hillmer, B., &McRoberts, G. (2004), “The real costs of turnover: Lessons from a call center”. HR. Human Resource February 5, 2005, from ProQuest database.

VIII. Malik Nadeem (2011), “A Study on Job Satisfaction Factors of Faculty Members at the University of Balochistan”, Journal of Research in Education, Vol. 21, Pp. 49-57.

IX. Naushaba Atta, Shamsa Aziz, Sana Sallahuddin, and Hamid Hassan (2012), “A Comparative Study of Regular and Contractual Teachers’ Job Satisfaction”, International J. Soc. Sci. & Education, Vol. 3, Pp. 178 – 182.

X. Nick Boreham, Peter Gray and Allan Blake (2006), “Job Satisfaction among Newly Qualified Teachers in Scotland”www.ioe.stir. /projects /epl/documents/ NBBERA06.pdf, Pp. 1-15.

XI. Nwachukwu Prince Ololube Teachers Job Satisfaction and Motivation for School Effectiveness: An Assessment

XII. Sapana, Gabha. VedPrakash. (2013). A Study on Job Satisfaction Among Teachers of Engineering College in Punjab, India.International Journal of Education and applied research, 3(1), 85-86.

XIII. Saba, I. (2011). Measuring the job satisfaction level of the academic staff in Bahawalpur colleges. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1(1), 12-19.

XIV. Sabharwal, M., & Corley, E. A. (2009).Faculty job satisfaction across gender and discipline.The Social Science Journal, 46(3), 539-556.

XV. Satterlee, A. G. (2010). Online Faculty Satisfaction and Quality Enhancement Initiatives. Online Submission.

XVI. Schulze, S. (2006).Factors influencing the job satisfaction of academics in higher education.South African Journal of Higher Education, 20(2), p-318.

XVII. Senthilnathan, S. (1998).An Investigation of the Relationship between Job Attitudes and Job Performance of University Teachers.Available at SSRN 1489784.

XVIII. Sirohi, A., &Shrivastva, N. (2010). Correlation of Satisfaction, Commitment & Performance on Faculty Staffs’ Performance at Private Institutions in Uttarpradesh (India).Sciences, 15(3), 293.

XIX. Tsigilis, N., Zachopoulou, E., &Grammatikopoulos, V. (2006). Job satisfaction and burnout among Greek early educators: A comparison between public and private sector employees. Educational Research and Review, 1(8), 256-261.

XX. Wong, E. S. K., &Heng, T. N. (2009). Case study of factors influencing jobs satisfaction in two Malaysian universities.International Business Research, 2(2), P86.


