
  • Raja Sarkar , Dr. Sabyasachi Das Ph.D. Scholar/ UGC Junior Research Fellow Department of Business Administration Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India Lecturer, IMBA Department of Business Administration Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India


satisfaction E-retailing, e-tailing, Information Technology, online shopping, consumer


Introduction of internet media has changed the way consumers go about shopping . There is a revolution of sorts in the retail industry in the 21st century India. Internet has brought the entire world within our grasp. The rules of the game in retailing are fast changing with the introduction of Information Technology. The e-retailing website is like the entrance door of the online store where the online seller & the consumer can interact and make transaction without losing too much time. E-retailing is the alternative platform of selling goods using electronic media especially internet. E-retaling is a subset of e-commerce. In urban India e-retailing is driven by the urge of shopping without spending too much time. It has been found that the ever growing internet population in India has contributed handsomely to this new age shopping channel. The internet helps retailers to expand their customer base to astronomical proportion. It also enhaces the CRM, cost efficiency and personalization. One can virtually buy anything from pin to elephant through this channel at any given time of the day (24 x 7). But even after all these conveniences there is the other side of the coin. Privacy & security are the biggest drawback of this medium. But with all, we can say that the prospect for e-retailing in India is looking very bright.


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