
  • Dr. Brijesh Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Rajarshi School of Management and Technology, UP College Campus, Varanasi-221001, Uttar Pradesh, India.




Survival and sustainability of modern businesses is based on attracting, acquiring, developing, and retaining customers. Companies are finding it difficult in retaining customers in the age of increased competition, innovation in business, high customer expectations and changing business environment. Therefore, understanding and serving customer needs have become the focus of business strategies. Relationship marketing aims to have long term customer relationship but companies prefer to have loyal customers. Customer loyalty has attracted academicians and practitioners as part of marketing strategy effectiveness. Series of incidents, evaluations, and psychological assessments form customer loyalty. Researchers have identified several factors responsible for the formation of customer loyalty. Present study explores complex and dynamic structure of customer loyalty. Different studies and variables of customer loyalty have been identified. Customer loyalty may have varieties of outcomes. Present work assesses significance relationship of customer loyalty and its outcomes.


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