
  • Arvind Singh Yadav, D. C. Pandey Dept. of Geography, Kumaun University, Nainital- 263002 (Uttarakhand, India).


analysis and appraisal, cultural intermixing, economic growth, foreign tourist arrivals, socio-economic importance, sustainable tourism.


Tourism is an activity of great socio-economic importance, as it facilitates economic growth and development of the region with social and cultural intermixing. It promotes cultural understanding among societies throughout the world in a positive sense, while severe ecological and cultural deteriorations, lack of cultural uniqueness are the negative results of tourism. The world is changing very rapidly; motives of humans have been changed totally, industrialization, modernization and technological advancements have transformed the aspirations of man; now peoples are moving efficiently all around the globe in search of unknown, peace, leisure, and adventure. Benefits of liberalization and globalization are providing pace and energy to the tourism and related activities. India, one of the oldest civilizations of the world with its socio-cultural uniqueness, vast physiographical theatre, highest levels of natural biodiversity, is the obvious and evident destination of tourists. Historical monuments, great cultural diversities and marvelous cuisines, etc. also attract peoples towards India from all around the world. Tourist influx in India is in abundance. Total tourists were 2.65 million in the year 2000 which increased to 7.68 million in the year 2014.  The total increase was about 2.9 times with 7.90 per cent of compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from the year 2000 to 2014. Presently, the country is cultivating the benefits of rising tourism industry with severe socio-economic disparities, and environmental and infrastructural constraints. All these must be regularized and should be according to the norms of sustainable tourism development. The paper evaluates and investigates the trends of foreign tourist influx in India and analyzes the receipts by foreign tourist arrivals, and also focuses on the relations between them so that plans and policies must be implemented accordingly and optimum and sustainable tourism development must be promoted in near future.


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