
  • Dr. Sujata Shrivastava Principal, A.P.Narmada Law College Cantt., Jabalpur


Berne Convention, Copyright Act 1957, Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS, WIPO.


Intellectual property refers to property created with the use of intellect or creation of mind. The fruit of man’s brains can with utmost propriety be called his property. The term Intellectual property refers to a loose cluster of legal doctrines that regulates the use of different sorts of ideas. Intellectual property right is a right recognized and sanctioned by law. It can be divided in to two categories-Industrial Property Rights and Copyright. Former deals with Patents, Trademarks, and Designs etc. Copyright on the other hand deals with literary and artistic work. Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. ‘TRIPS Agreements’ is a part and parcel of the World Trade Organisation set up and World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) 1996, a Treaty, was signed to meet the challenges of IPR. India is a member of most of the important International Conventions governing the area of copyright including the Berne Convention of 1886.the Universal Copyright Convention of 1955, the Rome Convention of 1961 and the TRIPS. The  of Copyright Act 1957 was extends to the whole India. It contains total 79 sections which are divided in 15 Chapters. It has been amended 06 times since 1957.The most recently done in the year 2012.


I. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

II. Berne Convention of 1886(as amended in 1971).

III. Rome Convention of 1961.

IV. Universal Copyright Convention of 1955.

V. WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT).

VI. WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).

VII. Ahuja V.K., Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights, Lexis Nexis, Mumbai I ed. (2010).

VIII. Avtar Singh, Intellectual Property Law, EBC, Lucknow, I ed.(2013).

IX. Elizabeth Verkey, Intellectual Property EBC, Lucknow, I ed.(2015).

X. N.S.Goplakrishna &T.S.Agitha, Principles of Intellectual Property EBC, Lucknow,II ed. (2014).


