
  • Vaibhav Sharma, Jyoti Singh, A. S. Zadgaonkar Research Scholar Joint Controller CGVYAPAM, Raipur Ex. Vice chancellor Dr. C. V. Raman University


Agile Environment, Testing Techniques and Strategies, Automation Process, Testing Algorithm, Framework of integrated Testing and Testing Algorithm


- Implementation of testing techniques to achieve the goal of error free automation software for the automation of university, is very lengthy, time consuming and costly. It is another fact that testers cannot detect all the errors and bugs through one testing method amongst all. In this paper a resultant algorithm is presented which shows the integration of different testing methods in a single platform. A framework describe as the methodology which shows the implementation of testing life cycle process and flow of testing phase in order to use of testing method in a order to cover up all the errors of the automation software. The resultant algorithm shows the implementation of the testing methods and their strategies to develop an agile environment for the testing and to cover all the possible error of the automation software. 


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. Vaibhav Sharma, Jyoti Singh and A.S. Zadgaonkar, “Agile Environment for Test Automation Architecture of a University”, VIMARSH National Conference, 13 Oct 2013.

. Vaibhav Sharma, Jyoti Singh and A.S. Zadgaonkar, “Testing and Implementation Process in Automation of a University with Agile Environment”, IJCST Cosmic Journal (ACSECT conference), Vol. 05, March 2014, ISSN: 0976-8491(Print), 2229-4333.

. Vaibhav Sharma, Jyoti Singh and A.S. Zadgaonkar, “Case Study: Analysis of Testing and Implementation Techniques in Automation of a University”, GJMS (Global Journal), ISSN: 2348-0459, Vol. 03, 10 Sep 2014.

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