
  • Subhash Chand Librarian, Advanced Institute of Tech. & Mgt. Palwal (Haryana)-
  • Nishi Singh Librarian, Advanced Institute of Education Palwal (Haryana)-121002




Cloud computing is one of the latest buzzwords in the world of information Technology means key to the definition of cloud computing is the “cloud” itself, but, the exactly meaning of the cloud is that clouded cover computing is a set of web based computing resources that deliver on demand information services to users from any location in the world . It is essential to state that this form of computing is very different from service and grid computing. In the IT world, cloud generally refer to the internet, thus cloud computing implies using the internet for all your computing need and also according to user requirement. The purpose of using cloud is that cloud is a large group of interconnected computers. These computers can be personal computers or network servers or they can be public or private. The application and data served by the cloud are available to wide group of users, cross-enterprise and cross-platform. Access is via the internet. Any authorized user can access these documents and different application from any computer over any Internet connection. And, to the user, the technology and
Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Available online at
infrastructure behind the cloud is invisible. It is not clear whether cloud services are based on HTTP, HTML, XML, JavaScript or other specific technologies. It might help to examine how one of the pioneers of cloud computing as Google.


Khan, S., & Galibeen, S (2011). Cloud Computing an Emerging technology: Changing ways of libraries collaboration. International Research: Journal of library and Information science, 1(2).

Jordan, J, (2011). Climbing out of the box and into the cloud building web-scale for Libraries. Journal of Library Administration, 51(1), 3-17.

Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Available online at

Sasikala, P. (2011). Cloud computing: Present status and future implications. International journal of Cloud Computing, 1(1), 23-36.

Cloud computing,

Pandya, M. (2012). Cloud computing for Libraries: A SWOT analysis, 8th Convention PLANNER-2012Sikkim University, Gangtok, 387-394.

Davies, K.(2009). The “C” Word. BioIT World. P-24-26,42.

Gosavi, Nandkishor & Shinde, Seetal S.(2012). Use of cloud computing in Library and Information Science Field. International Journal of Digital Library Services. Vol. 2, July- September, 2012, Issue-3.

S. Rupesh and K. Gaurav (2011). Cloud computing in digital and university libraries. Globle Journal

of Computer Science and Technology.[online]11(12) P- 37.

M. Gopalaswamy and S. N. kumar. Cloud computing technology: A boon for library and information services. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science[online].

Pandey, U. S and Chaudhary, Kavita(2014). Cloud Computing. ISBN: 978-93-83746-73-6, S. Chand, New





