
  • Neeraj Kumar Singh, Tripathi Ashok, Srivastava Anshuka Student, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Vaugh School of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, SHIATS, Allahabad. Professor, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Vaugh School of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, SHIATS, Allahabad Professor and Head, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Vaugh School of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, SHIATS, Allahabad


Maize, planter, performance testing, seed spacing, missing index, field efficiency.


In India still traditional farming is  going on because of the tools used in sowing operation are manual like kurpi, dibbler or manual seed spreading resulting irregular plant to plant as well as row to row spacing. Due to high cost of planting and excessive time requirement the above mention processed are not profitable when using high cost hybrid seeds. Due to small land holding power operated machineries are not so popular between farmers. Twin row seeding of maize gives more yields as compared to conventional method. Therefore, there is a need of low cost manual drawn machine for planting in twin row planting pattern. The planter performance testing was conducted in laboratory and field condition for maize, Narendra-M 909 variety with different combination of seed box fill level viz. Full, Half and Quarter and travel speed viz. 1 km/h, 1.5 km/h and 2 km/h approximately. The metering seed box was set that it place seed at 25 cm plant to plant distance and 70 cm row to row distance. At half fill seed box level performance superior with high values 77.09%, 75.2%, 80.27% of feed index; 11.11%, 13.8% and 8.33% missing index, 11.8%, 11%, 11.4% multiple index. Mean seed spacing, 28.3 cm. The cost of operation for planting without including seed cost of maize were ` 149.51 per hectare area. The cost of planter is Rs. 6000/-


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