
  • Dr.Chetna Pandey Guest faculty, Deptt. Of Education, University of Allahabad


truancy, absenteeism, school, students.


Truancy is the habitual or intentional failure of a student to attend school without any specific reasons. These regular absentees are at disadvantage of not having proper development of social and academic skills. They miss out the social interaction with their peers, limiting their academic progress which makes them to compromise their learning. This can result in low self esteem, social isolation and dissatisfaction. Along with lower academic achievement absenteeism causes difficulty in students in making friends, poor coordination with peers and loss of confidence. This problem of absenteeism is gaining much attention from educators, researchers and policy makers as it is not just an educational problem but also a social and political issue with huge social costs. There is a clear need for greater attention to prevent and intervene as early as possible to sort out the attendance problems. Truancy further results in delinquency, substance abuse and dropping out of high school. School truancy has a far-reaching impact on a child’s academic progress and future. In order to address the problem in meaningful way, efforts should be directed not only at the student or school but at the broader socio-economic and political environment in which schools are located.  There should be a comprehensive, multifaceted and integrated approach that weaves together the resources of school and community so the students get attracted to schools and be present regularly as they are the future of developing India.


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•Epstein, J. L., & Sheldon, S. B. (2002). Present and accounted for: Improving student attendance through family and community involvement. Journal of Educational Research, 95(5), 308-318.

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• Lotz R, Lee L. (1999). Sociability, School Experience and Delinquency. Youth and society, 31: 351-370.

•Marvilde, J(1981).Student Absenteeism: Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions. Exit Project, Indiana University, South Bend.

•McCluskey, C. P., Bynum, T. S., & Patchin, J. W. (2004). Reducing chronic absenteeism: An assessment of an early truancy initiative. Crime and Delinquency, 50(2), 214-234.

•Segel (2008). Classroom Behavior. Journal Of Human Resources, 43:783-814.

•Wiliams L. L (2000). Student Absenteeism and Truancy. Technology and Intervention to Reduce Chronic Problems Among School Age. Journal of Children7:23-34.


