
  • P. Manohar, Research Scholar, Dept. of Education Osmania University, Hyderabad


Emotionally, intelligent.


Emotionally intelligent individuals stand out. Their ability to empathies persevere, control impulses, communicate clearly, make thoughtful decisions, solve problems, and work with others earns those friends and success; they tend to lead happier lives, with more satisfying relationships. At work, they are more productive and they spur productivity, in other. At school they do better on standardized tests and help create a safe, comfortable classroom atmosphere that makes it easier to learn, we’d all like to raise kids who are well-adjusted, happy, and successful.  Emotional Intelligence is the immediate need of the society. The Society’s need is always fulfilled by the education system. Teacher is the pivot of any prevailing education system. So, teacher has a great role to play to inculcate the emotional intelligence on the children. He has to design different activities and change the existing system to achieve the desired result. In this article a few activities are discussed to increase the emotional intelligence.


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