
  • Prof. Sanjay Uttam Rao Wanare Savitri jotirao College of Social Work ,Yavatmal – 445001 maharashtra India


puberty, psychological, preadolescence, contributing.


Adolescence (from Latin adolescere, meaning "to grow up" is a transitional stage of physical and psychological human development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). The period of adolescence is most closely associated with the teenage years. If though its physical, psychological and cultural expressions may begin earlier and end later. For example, although puberty has been historically associated with the onset of adolescent development, it now typically begins prior to the teenage years and there has been a normative shift of it occurring in preadolescence, particularly in females (see precocious puberty) Physical growth, as distinct from puberty (particularly in males), and cognitive development generally seen in adolescence, can also extend into the early twenties. Thus chronological age provides only a rough marker of adolescence, and scholars have found it difficult to agree upon a precise definition of adolescence

For many of these young people adolescence (the period of change from childhood to adulthood) is ahealthy transition period during which they learn values and skills that will benefit them as futureparents, heads of households, workers, artists and contributing members to all sectors of society. Butthe health and lives of a large number of teenagers, now and for the coming years, are in danger.


Cromer B. Adolescent Development. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds.Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 104.

Impact of HIV and Sexual Health Education on the Sexual Behaviour of Young People: A Review Update, Anne

Grunseit (UNAIDS, Geneva, 1997) p7

as previous note

Reproductive Health Integration Issues (Initiatives Inc, Boston), vol 1, no 2 (summer 1998), p1

Health Consequences of Adolescent Childbearing in Developing Countries, Kathleen Kurz, ICRW Working

Paper No 4 (International Center for Research on Women, Washington DC, October 1997)

The Second Decade: Improving Adolescent Health and Development, WHO/FRH/ADH/98.18, Adolescent

Health and Development Programme (WHO, Geneva, 1998) p6


‘Female Genital Mutilation: Prevalence and Distribution’, Female Genital Mutilation: Information Kit (WHO,

Geneva, August 1996) p1

The Second Decade (as note 5), p14

‘Means to an End – Teen Sex Is Not What It Seems’, Andrea N Jones, Youth Outlook , 4 November 1994

( -new-sex.html)

‘Mezzo Forum: Contraception’, IPPF (

‘Youth Link. Guys Talk Too: Improving Young Men’s Sexual Health’, People and Development Challenges

(IPPF-ESEAOR Kuala Lumpur Regional Office, Kuala Lumpur), vol 5, no 10 (September 1998), pp15-16

‘Reproductive Health’, Gilbert Mwenya & Cecilia Chomba, UNICEF Voices of Youth website, 3 April 1999

‘Expanding Opportunities Through Equal Education and Training’, Youth Acting on Cairo and Beijing (CEDPA

and UNFPA, Washington DC, 1997) p11

‘Sexual and Reproductive Self-determination: Adolescent Sexuality’, UNFPA website


Sexual Exploitation of School Girls in Africa: Findings from Operational Research in Tanzania, Zaida Mgalla

and others, TANESA Working Paper No 17 (TANESA Project, Mwanza, May 1997) p15

‘Where Are the Parents in Adolescents’ HIV Education?’ Lisa Heft and others, Presentation ThC 4431(IXth

International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, 1996) p1

‘Tajikistan: Social Factors Determining the Development of Reproductive Behaviour in Adolescents’, S

Muhamadieva, Entre Nous (WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen), no 40-41 (winter 1998), pp14-15

‘Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Behavior: a Review of the Evidence from India’, Shireen J Jejeebhoy,

Social Science and Medicine (London), vol 46, no 10 (1998), pp1275-1290

