
  • Dr. G. NAGARAJ Zoology Section, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Manasagangothri, Mysore-570006, Karnataka, India.


Fingerprint pattern, 2 % of marks, DMIT, ink printing method, association, and trend analysis.


Fingerprints are controlled by a gene and changes in fingerprint due to influence of another gene takes place independently and randomly. Association between fingerprint pattern and intelligence quotients (IQ) was reported by many studies. They also states that each type of fingerprint is connected with particular type of learning. Present study aims to explore the association between students’ fingerprint pattern and their academic achievement i.e. +2/PUC final exam percentage of marks. Adopting ink printing method the fingerprints of all ten digits of teacher trainees (N=263; male=72, female=191) from Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore, India was collected, identified and analysed with SPSS. Results showed that among the 61%-70% group, all finger in right hand and thumb, middle and ring fingers in left hand do not have tented arch. Further, trend analysis line shows that from lower (51%-60%) to higher (91%-100%) subject group the percentage of arch and whorl pattern decreases and; loop and mixed pattern increases. It may be inferred from the results that the students with higher number of loops and mixed pattern and/ or with lesser number of arch and whorl pattern (out of ten fingers) may perform better academically. Further, these results also indicate an association between fingerprint and academic achievement. Therefore, the knowledge of Dermatoglyphics will be much useful particularly to the teachers in identifying brilliant and poor students at the earliest and; to design teaching and counseling strategies for them.  


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