
  • Neeti Yadav Department of Botany, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007




India has a great wealth of medicinal plant biodiversity which is used by various tribal’s and local people to cure different ailments ranging from simple fever, diarrhoea, ulcers, swelling, bone fractures, skin care, night blindness, toothache, asthma etc. Unchecked commercialization, habitat loss and habitat degradation have placed many medicinal plant species at a risk of extinction. Therefore there is an immense need for their conservation. There are two basic methods of biodiversity conservation: in situ (on site) and ex situ (off site), both are complementary to each other. In situ methods allow conservation to occur at gradual rate with natural evolutionary processes while ex situ conservation involves conservation outside the native habitat and is generally used to safeguard populations in danger of destruction, replacement or deterioration. Ex situ conservation via tissue culture technology helps in achieving the objective at a faster rate where regeneration by conventional methods is difficult to undertake and species are left with low population in the wild. The present paper discusses the various in vitro protocols developed for some of the selected endangered and economically important medicinal plants of India such as Tinospora cordifolia, Pterocarpus santalinus, Stevia rebaudiana and Tylophora indica.


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