Entrepreneur and Economic Development: A Study of Role of Various Forms of Entrepreneurs in Economic development


  • Mahendra Pal Singh Department of Commerce Swami Shraddhanand College, (University of Delhi) Alipur, Delhi


High-tech Entrepreneur, Induced Entrepreneur, VMOSA


In Present Scenario of Development of Nation Entrepreneur play a vital role. First, It is widely believed that entrepreneurship is beneficial for economic growth and development. Second, entrepreneurship has been remarkably resurgent over the past three decades in countries that achieved substantial poverty reduction. Third, donors and international development agencies have turned to entrepreneurship to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of aid. Various forms of entrepreneur in country play a remarkable role for development of nation. The theoretical and empirical cases for understanding the role of entrepreneurship are not yet solid. Evidence on whether entrepreneurship matters for economic growth is not straightforward; how entrepreneurship has been promoted and how it contributed to development in countries like India. All these aspects are study in this paper.


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