A Study of Health Issues in Working Women Due to Stress


  • Ashok Sen Gupta IEM-Institute Of Business Management



Healthy life is a right of every human being in the world. A healthy person is an asset for a society. When we talk about human it means men and women both. Women have an equal right to live a healthy life, worldwide regime for the empowerment and growth of women in society. In India women are moving forward in jobs as well as in business, numbers of success stories are present today. Women are important part of every society. Now they are take part in the growth and development of economy. A woman plays many role mother, wives, sister, daughter with these responsibilities it also a good employee and good entrepreneur. Mean while health of women has been neglected both in the rural and urban society. Not only health women are also suppress in Indian society on the basis of sexual discrimination. Thus women are suffering from double jeopardy, on one end are the unequal socio‐economic order and on the other end are the subordination and deprivation at home and in the society.In this research, researcher tries to study the health issues face by women due to stress


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