Education Vs Employability- the Need to Bridge the Skills Gap among the Engineering and Management Graduates in Madhya Pradesh (India)


  • Dr Anil Vashisht,Mr Rajat Pathak Dr Devendra Kumar Pandey Director-ABS, Amity University, Gwalior ,Asstt Professor, Amity University, Gwalior (India),Director, Corporate Relations, Amity University, Gwalior (India)



Human Capital is referred to as, increase in productivity of manpower through Education and training which indeed creates assets in the form of knowledge and skills. Education is thought to be a procedure of ability development & in this viewpoint it is dealt with at standard with the procedure of capital formation. Economists contend that as interest for instructive preparing builds, the frameworks need to meet the nation’s necessity for individuals with large amounts of skills & knowledge. Be that as it may, the major hindrance in this development way is deficient ability set of workspace. While on the one side we have the world's substantial supply of researchers, engineers and management graduates, we have not been able to get full monetary advantage from this ability base on account of the bungle between industry needs and university output. Skillful management of the scholarly capital could be a driver for development and is basic for Indian economy. The motivation behind this study is to recognize the employability skills required by youthful graduates and survey how there can be a value creation through effective knowledge management in terms of pedagogy, evaluation process and feedback mechanisms.


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