
  • Manish Mishra TGT, Kendriya Vidyalaya Odisa




The aim of the investigation was to find out “The Effect of Six Weeks of Tabata Training on Selected Physiological Parameters in Sports Men”. The research scholar had conducted the study to find out the effect of the Tabata training on selected variables namely Resting heart rate and Cardio respiratory fitness. For the purpose of the present study, 16 male’s sports players were selected in the age group of 17 year to 25 years. The subjects were selected from Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Before the testing programme the requirement of the study was explained to all of the subjects and they all agreed voluntarily to undergo the testing programme. To determine the effect of six weeks of Tabata training on selected physiological variables in sports men, the descriptive statistic and Independent “t”-test was employed at.05 level of significance. For statistical calculation SPSS-16 was used.



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