
  • Ms. Ritu Sharma Assistant Professor, University School of Business, Chandigarh University, Gharuan.



The practice of child labor, with its numerous manifestations, is widely prevalent in different economic activities in all developing countries, and India is no exception. The result is a childhood destroyed, a dismal future, a wounded psyche, and an imbalanced society and economy. The children belonging to meager family income are compelled to join the labour force to supplement the family income. Generally, people from lower strata of our society send their children for work instead of sending them to school for education. Hence the children‘s intellectual growth is hampered by depriving them of educational opportunities, minimizing their chance for vocational training and condemning them to low wage all their lives as unskilled labourers. Proposed study is an attempt to study the problem of child labour in Chandigarh with special focus on their educational status and working conditions in which they work.



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