
  • Mohd Waris Khan Department of Computer Science and Engineering,SRM University, Lucknow
  • Vinodini Katiyar Department of Computer Science and Engineering SRM University, Lucknow
  • Dhirendra Pandey Department of Information Technology BBAU, Lucknow
  • Neeraj Kumar Tiwari Department of Computer Science and Engineering SRM University, Lucknow
  • Rishabh Kumar Department of Arts Lucknow University, Lucknow


E-learning, requirement elicitation, requirement analysis, requirement specification, requirement validation and verification, etc.


Gathering and managing requirement is one of the most important tasks in creating a reliable software product. This step of the overall requirement engineering process becomes even more risky when the development process is to become a worldwide. E-learning as an information management tool gives service to learners in spreading and sharing information. Therefore, there is a lot of interaction from users in an E - learning community that helps them to solve tasks in E - learning applications. Requirement development and requirement management phase may improve its mechanism in requirement engineering for collaboration application such as E-learning. Hence, requirement engineering and E-learning components must be carefully studied to ensure requirement engineering as in the software engineering field can assist a collaborative application to improve requirement development and management process and comes out with a set of useful requirements before E-learning is implemented. This paper describes how requirement engineering is useful and affects on E-learning environment.


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Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Available online at

Volume 3, Issue 5, April 2014

ISSN: - 2348-0459

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