Hypersurfaces of a projective Kropina conformal change


  • T. N. Pandey Kumar Vineet Suraj Kumar Shukla Department of mathematics and statistics D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur


Total solid, Total suspended solid, pH, Biochemical oxygen demand and turbidity.


In the year 1984 Shibata investigated the theory of a change
which is called a -change of a Finsler metric. On the other hand in
1985 a systematic study of geometry of hypersurfaces in Finsler spaces
was given by Matsumoto. The present paper is devoted to study the
condition for a Kropina conformal change to be projective and nd out
when a totally geodesic hypersurfaces Fn􀀀1 remains to be a totally
geodesic hypersurface Fn􀀀1 under the projective Kropina conformal
change. Further we obtained the condition under which a Finslarian
hypersurfaces given by the projective Kropina cinformal change are
projectively at


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